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Celebrating the Success of LLLDAM2024!

Celebrating the Success of LLLDAM2024! As we reach the end of April, the Amputee Coalition thanks our entire community for all your tremendous efforts contributing to the undeniable success of this year's Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness...

Kadijsa Markham

Kadijsa Markham

STAY TRUE TO YOU. Throughout all the obstacles that we face, we must overcome and preserve our own challenges and embrace new opportunities. I’m Kadijsa Markham and at the age of 27, I lost my arm in a traumatic car accident in 2021. My arm was lost on impact.

Ms. Hulyah MoShay

Ms. Hulyah MoShay

DELAYED BUT STILL DESTINED. Greetings Thrive (AC). I (Ms. MoShay) went on a family culture pow wow on December 27, 2022, and even though I was dressed for the event, I was also dressed for the winter season (so I thought). The temperature dropped down to 8° or -8°...

Kimmy Hough

Kimmy Hough

OUR SWEET LITTLE GUY. My son just turned 8 years old and was born without his left hand, both feet and the tip of his tongue. There is no reason for it the doctors can figure out, you would never know any of that if you couldn’t see it. He has been in prosthetics...

Jon Wenc

Jon Wenc

THE ROLL OF OUR LIVES. "It just re-vamps and re-fuels my belief behind what's tragic, and what's a gift." I quote my late friend and inspiration Jim Maclaren from the movie "Emmanual's Gift". An amputee himself at that time, world-class triathlete, and so much more,...

Eleanor Abdulai

Eleanor Abdulai

DON'T LET YOUR DISABILITY DEFINE YOU. Don't concentrate on your disability, and don't let it limit you. You're enough, capable, and strong. Let your disability be physical and not in spirit or mind. Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.

Navi Gonzalez

Navi Gonzalez

NEVER TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. Due to the multiple health problems that the doctors anticipate I will have over the years, I had surgery on June 12. I followed the recommendation of the specialists and decided to amputate my right foot, it was an elective surgery....

Leslie Drake

Leslie Drake

MIRACLE BIRTH. I was born 1lb 15oz and very sick with many birth defects and the least of my issues was not having a tibia bone. At the age of 2 my mom made the decision to my amputation and learned how to take my first steps with my prosthesis. Since taking my first...

Anne Wieland

Anne Wieland

LIGHT UP ORANGE. Jefferson Moss Magee Rehab sought permission to have one of the large buildings in Center City Philadelphia orange on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. MossRehab amputation team went down and stood on the roof top and took pictures.