As we reach the end of April, the Amputee Coalition thanks our entire community for all your tremendous efforts contributing to the undeniable success of this year’s Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM) campaign. Throughout April, we spearheaded numerous initiatives to raise awareness and foster engagement:
- State Proclamations: This year, we are thrilled to announce that, to date, we have confirmed 28 gubernatorial proclamations recognizing LLLDAM! This incredible milestone is nearly triple the number of approved proclamations from last year! We thank all of our community members who advocated in their states.
- #WeThrive: The #WeThrive campaign has provided a platform for community members to share their experiences authentically. We’ve received stories from individuals, family members, and friends, demonstrating the far reach and value of sharing lived experiences.
- Expansion of the Certified Lead Advocate (CLA) network: The Government Relations team trained, recertified, and certified 25 new CLA’s across the nation empowering advocates to amplify our mission. We are progressing towards our goal to have a CLA in every state—now, there are only four states to go!!
- Video Testimonials: Personal narratives shared through video testimonials have resonated deeply with our audience, sparking meaningful conversations and connections.
- Social Media Milestones: Our social media channels have seen remarkable interaction, serving as quick access points to get questions answered, celebrate milestones, and share photos and videos with our staff to foster community requests. We’ve seen monuments from across the country and even around the world lit up in orange to celebrate LLLDAM!
- New Resources: We’ve introduced new support groups, hosted the Airport Security Screening Public Forum (catch the recording if you were unable to attend), have a survey regarding Airport Security Screening Experiences (available to take anytime), and presented webinars on workforce development and YEP- the Youth Engagement Program. These offerings were created based on community feedback and interest.
- Participation in Key Events: Our involvement in events such as the White House Easter Egg Roll and the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association’s Policy Forum further amplified the community’s advocacy efforts.
Overall, 2024 Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month has tremendously grown and positively impacted our community. Thanks to each of you for your dedication and hard work in advancing our mission. Let’s continue building on this momentum and empower our community together.