Amputee Coalition Signs on to CCD’s Letter Regarding Nurse Staffing Standards

Nov 30, 2023 |

The Amputee Coalition recently signed on to the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities’ (CCD) comment letter on the proposed rule to establish nurse staffing standards for long-term care facilities. Having well-staffed facilities and a supported workforce is vital to quality long-term care and the letter expresses support for the improvements this rule aims to implement. 

However, the CCD Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Task Force feels the minimum staffing levels proposed in the rule are insufficient and could result in greater harm to residents of these facilities. 

The letter goes on to cite evidence that more staff ultimately leads to much better care outcomes including fewer hospitalizations, better infection control, and reduced mortality. However, the proposed staffing level for RNs and CNAs is lower than previous recommendations and additionally there are not any staffing levels for LPNs. Minimum recommendations are provided for the benefit of both healthcare workers and their patients. 

It is encouraged that the final rule should ensure that facilities receiving high revenue are providing meaningful support to their workforce. Additional considerations are also included such as having an RN present 24 hours a day and more transparency around wages and job classifications. The ultimate goal is to create a better environment for people with disabilities to receive the quality long-term care they deserve. 

View the full letter here.  Visit our Advocacy Letters to Policymakers webpage to view other letters the Amputee Coalition has endorsed. If you haven’t already, we invite you to join our active Advocacy community on AC Connect!