Take the Stress out of Holiday Travel

Take the Stress out of Holiday Travel

Traveling during the holidays or traveling, in general, can be quite stressful and intimidating for anyone. Travel can be especially stressful when facing the additional challenges of carrying extra equipment and being on the road. But, with the proper preparation,...

THE POWER OF YOU: Adapting Travel to Your New Reality

THE POWER OF YOU: Adapting Travel to Your New Reality

By Allison Miller “When will I be able to travel again?” This was the question I was desperate to ask but afraid to have answered during my first meeting with a prosthetist in 2014. I had been in the hospital for more than two months after suffering an acute illness,...

Tips for Traveling as an Amputee

Tips for Traveling as an Amputee

Assess your capabilities Just like everything about being an amputee, your capabilities and comfort level are entirely for you to judge; respect where you are and anticipate that the first trip will have surprises and be ready to roll with them. Mobility devices...