April’s Employment Council Meeting focused on Limb Loss Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM) and a continued discussion of disability awareness and training in the workplace. Workforce Development Manager, Trenaya Reid and Workforce Development Volunteer, Paula Golladay, discussed ways council members can become involved within LLLDAM, such as utilizing the LLLDAM Communications Toolkit. In addition, they explained how organizations can make public facilities within the workplace more exclusive for those with disabilities (e.g. ADA parking, elevator access, employee access areas).
Accessibility Program Manager, Solomon Romney, at Microsoft and Talent Acquisition Specialist, Marianna Acosta, at UCLA shared resources used within their organizations for employees with disabilities. In particular, Microsoft’s inclusive design guidebooks and UCLA Committee on Disability’s Monthly Newsletter titled “DisabiliTEA.”
Solomon shared a great comment during discussion on accessible public facilities. He stated that “The stairs are the disability, not the individual.” Paula added that “It’s not the stairs, but the “stares” that are the disability.” They spoke on how Employment Council Members and the Workforce Development Department can work together to help eliminate the “stares,” stigmas, stereotypes, and barriers that individuals within the limb loss and limb difference community may face, within the hiring practices and in the workforce.
Watch the full employment council meeting for the full discussion. Monthly meeting recordings will be available on the Workforce Development Program homepage.
If you work for an organization interested in joining the Employment Council, please contact workforce@amputee-coalition.org.