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Prioritizing Public Policy Issues for the Amputee Coalition in 2024

Jan 4, 2024 |

Washington DC aerial view with capitol hill building and street

As we embark on a new year, the Amputee Coalition is actively seeking your input to shape its focus on public policy issues in 2024. Your valuable ratings on the following policy areas will play a crucial role in guiding the Coalition’s strategic priorities and initiatives throughout the year. 

Purpose of the Survey
The results of this survey will not only inform the Coalition’s priority-setting process and be integral in shaping discussions within the Government Relations team. Furthermore, the outcomes will be presented during National Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month, underscoring the significance of your input in influencing the direction of public policy advocacy. 

Criteria for Rating
In assigning your ratings, consider the broader impact on all individuals with limb loss and/or limb difference. Focus on identifying areas where the Coalition can maximize its influence on public policy. Your insights will contribute to the effective allocation of resources and efforts in tackling issues that matter most to the community.

Your engagement in this survey is a pivotal step in ensuring that the Amputee Coalition remains at the forefront of advocating for policies that address the diverse needs of our community.

Thank you for your dedication to shaping a more inclusive and supportive future for the limb loss and limb difference community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on public policy in 2024 and beyond.