Niki Crandall


I had to have my left leg amputated above the knee due to Covid. My left knee became infected because of bacteria from having Covid. Leading up to the amputation I had 4 surgeries to try to remove the infection from my knee. I had to have a T-Pick line inserted to start antibiotics. The infection never did fully leave my knee and only got worse. I made the decision to have my leg amputated on July 6th,2023. I have been extremely determined to get stronger by doing intense physical therapy. I was a professional mountain and road bike racer and wanted to get back on the bike. I still have a long way to go but I am more determined than ever. I want to get a bike leg but insurance does not cover it so I am looking for grants to help pay for the biking knee. MY GOAL IS TO COMPETE IN THE PARALYMPICS. You can donate to Niki’s fundraiser, started by her 8-year-old friend, Emma: