Ways to Get Involved with Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month

Mar 24, 2022 |

Orange Limb Loss Awareness ribbonWould you like to join the celebration of the limb loss and limb difference community in April? Here are ways you can get involved!

Share Your Story. Join our #WeTHRIVE campaign where we look to capture 500 STORIES in April! This unique campaign is encouraging everyone to share with the world what has helped them to remain resilient over this past year. Use #WeTHRIVE to assist in raising awareness of the resilience, strength, and courage that people living with limb loss and limb difference have to transform their ordinary into extraordinary. To participate, any #Amputee can share what they have done to remain resilient and use the hashtag #WeTHRIVE on social media; encouraging others to do the same.

LLLDAM Awareness Paraphernalia. Help us raise limb loss and limb difference awareness by wearing or posting our orange #LLAM #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeAlone ribbon apparel and gear. Visit the Amputee Coalition Cafe Press store at https://www.cafepress.com/amputeecoalition/17131821.

Tell Your Governor. The Amputee Coalition is working towards having at least one governor in each state support the healthcare needs of our community members. Learn more about how to get your state to proclaim April as Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month at https://cqrcengage.com/acoa/app/write-a-letter?0&engagementId=494034 and tell your local governor about insurance fairness and healthcare rights for individuals and families impacted by limb loss and limb difference. #LLAM #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeAlone

Your LLLDAM Why. Share with your friends, family, and community why you raise limb loss and limb difference awareness, why you became an Amputee Coalition volunteer, or why you are connected with the Amputee Coalition’s mission. #LLAM #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeAlone

Appointment Awareness. During your next doctor, physical therapist and/or prosthetist appointments, raise awareness by dropping off LLLDAM materials. It is important that medical care teams are educated and have a patient-centered care approach for patients living with limb loss and limb difference.

Wear Orange on Wednesdays. How much orange can you wear on Wednesdays in April?! Post your W.O.W. photos using hashtags #LLAM and #LLLDAM.

LLLDAM Supporter. You do not have to be an individual living with limb loss or limb difference to support Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month. For those who are caregivers for loved ones with limb loss or limb difference, sponsors and donors, or friends or family members of our community, share why you support #LLAM #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeAlone.

Amputee Coalition Support App. If you are living with limb loss or limb difference, a family member caring for an individual with limb loss or limb difference, or an Amputee Coalition Certified Peer Visitor, please download the FREE Amputee Coalition Support App from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or https://cpvapp.amputee-coalition.org. If you are already a registered App user, please share how you use the Support App and the links to download it on social media. Please include #LLAM #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeAlone in your posts.