Discuss All Things National Conference in the AC Connect Community

Jun 12, 2023 |

The Amputee Coalition’s new online community, AC Connect, is the premier virtual space for the limb loss and limb difference community. As we approach National Conference, this thriving platform is a hub for numerous discussions amongst conference participants. Discussions within the National Conference community revolve around the event, with members sharing their excitement, discussing logistics, looking for hotel roommates, and making plans to attend.

AC Connect offers a robust platform for ongoing discussions about issues impacting people living with limb loss or limb difference. Within the community, countless conversations are happening on a wide range of topics, driven by its members’ shared experiences and perspectives. These discussions allow individuals to connect, share insights, and offer support to one another.

AC Connect’s community directory is a valuable resource for individuals looking to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences. Individuals can establish meaningful connections and exchange information before the conference by participating in discussions within the National Conference community.  

Whether someone is a new amputee seeking guidance or they’ve lived with limb loss for a while and are looking to share their wisdom, AC Connect provides a space where individuals can find advice, encouragement, and emotional support.

AC Connect is an exclusive member benefit for individuals registered with the Amputee Coalition. The Amputee Coalition invites you to activate your AC Connect profile today! Watch the introductory video and visit community.amputee-coalition.org to learn more about AC Connect.