The discussion is gaining steam on AC Connect! We’re just waiting to hear what you have to say.
During Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month in April, we at the Amputee Coalition want to INSPIRE TO ELEVATE. The most profound and most visible way we can ELEVATE YOUR COMMUNITY is our new community and professional network.
AC Connect launched March 1 as the premier virtual space for connecting the limb loss and limb difference community. It is your place to continuously learn, develop a sense of belonging, and gain exposure.
You can engage, learn, and collaborate. You can become a volunteer, an advocate, or a community champion.
Less than 48 hours after launch, members were active and talking about sidewalk barriers, the best shoes for amputees, the Amputee Coalition National Conference, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the availability of materials to make prosthetic devices, medical care, car rentals, power chairs, and much more. People were asking questions and giving advice.
In other words, they were doing just what we had hoped they would do when we conceived of AC Connect.
So what are you waiting for? A key tenet of the Amputee Coalition has always been no amputee alone. We are committed to creating connections that last by placing you at the center of the community. We provide a place to create and to share.
Come to AC Connect to see how your community is growing and evolving.
Help promote Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month and join the conversation on social media using #InspireToElevate #LLLDAM, #LLAM, #NoAmputeeAlone, and #WeThrive.