Advocate Helps Secure LLLDAM Proclamation for Nebraska

Apr 13, 2023 |

Nebraska recently joined the growing list of states who have declared April as Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month through gubernatorial proclamation! We would like to thank Gov. Jim Pillen for signing the proclamation and celebrate the efforts of advocate David Paschold, who submitted the 2023 request. Advocates just like you play a crucial role in raising awareness. Below, David shares with us his experience of requesting this important certificate. 

“We have requested LLLDAM proclamations in Nebraska in previous years, but with a new governor recently taking office in January 2023, we were unsure how it would go. Last year’s advocate emailed me in February, asking if I would submit the request. It’s important to submit the request and get the state to recognize the impact amputees have in our society. We had prosthetists, runners, and other amputees attend the signing at the Capitol building. One of the governor’s staff who organized the signing is also an amputee, and she stood up with us as part of the group! We had a chance to say a few words about the signing, and I commented that we must always keep looking forward. A couple of veterans in attendance commented that ‘hope and fear walk hand in hand’ and ‘there is no such thing as a one-person team.’

“It is great to realize anyone can be an advocate and let people know we share common goals and visions. Every person must find their way of speaking up for the limb loss and limb difference community. Many individuals do not realize that amputations can happen at any time in a person’s life. It is valuable to let everyone know what we experience, and that life does go on after an amputation.” 

There’s still time to submit a proclamation request in many states! To get started, visit the Advocacy & Awareness landing page, where we have provided you with draft proclamation language, step-by-step instructions, and submission information for all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico. Let us know if you’ve requested or secured a signed proclamation by emailing the details to

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