Steven Duncan


Hello everyone. My name is Steven. I just became a bilateral below-knee amputee on September 20th , 2024. I have been a type 1 diabetic for over 21 years. I have stage 3 kidney damage from the diabetes. I had my left leg below-knee amputation on July 26th , 2023, due to chronic ulcers and chronic infections like osteomyelitis, MRSA sepsis and gangrene.

Then on September 20th , 2024, on my 42nd birthday I had my right leg amputated below the knee making me a bilateral below-knee amputee. Same thing with the right leg or the right foot. It had osteomyelitis, lots of cellulitis and MRSA sepsis and gangrene.  I dealt with foot problems for over 15 years between both feet.
I’ve had multiple surgeries multiple hospital stays and visits. For my left leg I do have a prosthetic. It is an elevated vacuum system with a hydraulic foot for my left side. My first prosthetic was a pin lock, so this is my technically permanent socket on my left side. I have to go back to the surgeon in two weeks for my first follow-up and then 2 weeks later I follow up to get my staples out if everything goes as planned.
I know I am mentally and physically prepared for the journey. I know it’s going to be a long road and there’s going to be differences and changes in my lifestyle. I know with my one prosthetic when I was a single amputee, I was doing anywhere from 20 to 30,000 steps a day I could do anywhere from 15 to 20 miles a day. I am a go-getter. I’m very independent and I’m not a quitter. I don’t give up. I know there’s no such thing as giving up. if you fall down, get back up. if you fail try again. You can’t let yourself stay down. You’ve got to pick yourself back up and try again and figure out a way to solve the problem. You don’t want to be the problem.
Even if it’s taking advice from doctors or other professionals. Even if you think you know everything. Some people are like that. I’m very hardheaded and stubborn. But I know at the end of the day amputees are strong. We‘re not quitters, we‘re fighters that will not give up and we learn how to adapt to our new lifestyle.
Whatever it is. If it is a walker, crutches, a wheelchair, a knee scooter, or learning how to use a shower chair. Like I said, any one of you if you want, you can find me on Instagram or Facebook at Steven Duncan and you can follow me.
I just can’t wait until I get my other prosthetic. If everything goes well for my right side and I see what the journey is and where it’s going to lead me. If I’m going to be able to walk with two prosthetics without any difficulty. When I got my first one, when I was just a single amputee, I literally walked out of the prosthetics office with no help or assistance, no walker, no cane, or anything. I never did one day of physical therapy or one day of rehab. I did it all on my own with exercise and Google and YouTube videos from home.
You know even though I’m 42 I still have goals and a future and stuff to look ahead to. People think I’m an inspiration or they say, “Wow, I don’t know how you do it” or “You’re amazing” and I say thank you but it’s part of everyday life. You have to get up. You have to just go. You can’t mourn. You can’t feel bad or sorry for yourself. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll get some running blades and learn how to run on them and be in the Paralympics, or who knows, maybe one day I’ll be a famous amputee. You can make yourself who you want to be if you just keep your mindset to where you want to be and don’t let anybody put you down or tell you that you cannot do it because where there is a will, there is a way.