On May, 11,2015, I lost my leg due to a blood clot. The hospital wouldn’t help me because it was foot pain. After the second trip to that hospital, I decided to go to another. That is where I found out that I was 100% blocked in my femur artery. Thank God it traveled down instead of up or I could have lost my life. It was the most pain I have ever felt in my life. I did everything but beg those people to help me.
I was treated like I was seeking pain pills. I’ve never taken a pain pill except what a dentist gives when you have mouthwork. That was not too often. I hate going to the dentist. It hurts that I could have had a chance to have both my legs but that wasn’t in the future. I had no signs that I remember that would make me think blood clot. It seemed like I was working one day and not the next
Six months later I was getting ready to start a new job but this happened first. I was put in an induced coma and they tried to save my leg. My husband said the doctor yelled at him and said he should have had me at the hospital 3 days ago. Of course, I was. That doctor said not this one, so I thank AMC Memorial Hospital of Charleston WV for saving my life. I’d rather live as an amputee than not at all. It’s still painful. I’ve been through a lot of surgeries and have another coming up soon.
Thank you for listening.