On September 4th, 2015, my right arm was torn off at the elbow by a conveyor belt at the recycling plant I was working at. I was in the hospital for only 6 days before being transferred to GF Strong Physical Rehabilitation Centre to regain my strength and relearn how to live.
After staying there for just under a month, I was able to go back to school and begin my life again. Despite it being a painful and mentally exhausting first few months learning the most basic tasks, I eventually got back to doing what I loved most – playing music.
Aside from music, I work as a motivational speaker. My purpose of speaking is to provide a positive influence and encourage others to help them find the motivation to reach their goals, as well as speaking on the importance of work safety, knowing your rights in the workplace, and being able to listen to your gut when something at work seems unsafe.
I want to help others who struggle with mental health issues or may have overcome trauma of their own. I want to show what can be possible no matter what happens to you.