Emily Burleson

Emily BurlesonNever Give Up

Hello! My name is Emily. In March 2016, I was in an almost fatal wreck. Fortunately, all I lost was my leg (above the knee). I’ve had many moments of depression, grief, etc. My son was two and a half years old at the time. Now, 18 months later, I feel a lot more hopeful. God has truly given me strength. I look back on my weakest days. Even if all I did was get out of bed, I survived. I hope that you learn not only how to survive, but truly live your life. There is support out there for you. Do not give up, even when it hurts. You aren’t alone. I’ll be going on a hike in the near future. If I had given up months ago, I wouldn’t be where I am. Life isn’t over, it’s just DIFFERENT. Much love to all of you.