Participate in Amputee Coalition’s April Webinar Lineup

Apr 5, 2022

This month’s webinars focus on Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month, self-improvement, and making meaningful connections. Whether you need help with relationships post-limb loss or are interested in ways to improve your prosthetic device, Amputee Coalition has a wide variety of video resources to fit your needs. View the webinar lineup below for information on topics that concern you.



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Prosthetic Observations and Clinical Care Considerations for Osseointegrated (OI) Amputees
Michael A Jenks, CPO and presenter for Medical Center Orthotics and Prosthetics, discusses the journey for OI amputees and research surrounding OI procedures. Learn how to manage your own journey.
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3D Printing and You
Eric Bubar, associate professor of Engineering at Marymount University, discusses the future of prosthetic devices using 3D printing. Watch this video to see how prosthesis technology could become easier for you.
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Beyond Sex: Intimate Relationships in individuals with Upper Limb Absences
Samantha Pagano, OTD, OTR, and Debra Latour, PP-OTD, M. Ed., OTR/L, discuss what intimate relationship with upper limb absence looks like outside of sex. Learn how to form intimate relationships with your limb loss. Must be 18 years or older to view.
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Making Meaningful Connections
Nicole Gross and Susan Tipton from the Amputee Coalition discuss the benefits of peer visits and using the peer support app. Learn how to connect with community members in your area.
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You may access Amputee Coalition’s complete list of past and upcoming webinars at